Broadleaf Cattail

Typha latifolia

Also called Common Cattail

  • Clumping spreading stands of sword-like leaves
  • Central flower stalks, equal to the height of the leaves, hold male and female flowers
  • Cylindrical flowers turn brown after fertilization
  • Male flowers disperse, leaving that familiar fruiting spike used in floral arrangements
  • Can self-seed or spread by rhizomes
  • Commonly aggressive
  • Bloom Time: June to July
  • Foliage Height: 200 cm



125-200 cm

200-500 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Cattails grow best in shallow water along pond edges or in swamps. They provide cover and food for wildlife. Roots can go deep, and become difficult to remove. If planting in small ponds, a root restrainer will be necessary.

Plugs are sold in full flats only.

Additional Notes about Broadleaf Cattail:

Native to Ontario, and most of the world. Seeds, stems and roots are edible cooked, mashed, or ground into powders.