Sweet Grass

Hierochloe odorata

Also called Vanilla Grass, Holy Grass

  • AKA Anthoxanthum nitens
  • Forms a spreading upright mound of gray-green foliage
  • Blades reach 60 cm high
  • Yellow flower panicles rise very slightly above the foliage
  • As the name suggests, this grass has a sweet vanilla scent
  • Bloom Time: Spring
  • Flower Size: 5-10 cm
  • Grass Type: Cool Season



30-60 cm

50-150 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Best grown in a wet to moist soil, in full sun to partial shade. This grass spreads aggressively by rhizomes, up to 60 cm per year, making it a good choice for erosion control. Make sure you have a large site for this grass.

Additional Notes about Sweet Grass:

Native to Ontario

Cool Season Grasses: These grasses do the majority of their growing in early spring and start again when temperatures start to cool in the fall. During the warmer summer months, they stop growing and some will even go dormant. Cool season grasses flower in the spring or early summer. Most cool season grasses grow best in a consistently moist soil.
Dried leaves can be made into braids and burned as incense.