Physostegia virginiana - Obedient Plant

Obedient Plant

Physostegia virginiana

Also called False Dragonhead

  • Upright, clumping habit
  • Dense spikes of pink to pale lilac, occasionally white, snapdragon-like flowers
  • Each flower is surrounded by a small leaf-like bract
  • Narrow lance-shaped serrated green leaves
  • Fast-growing and spreads to cover a large area
  • Bloom Time: Midsummer to early fall
  • Flower Height: 125 cm
  • Foliage Height: 110 cm



100-125 cm

60-80 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Naturally found near river banks, swamps or in wet, low sites. Grows best in an average to moist, or wet soil, in full sun to partial shade. Prune in late spring to encourage a compact, bushy habit and to prevent it from flopping over later in the season.

Additional Notes about Obedient Plant:

Native to Ontario

The common name "obedient plant" refers to the stems that can be bent and arranged into new positions.