Rosy Sedge

Carex rosea

Also called Curly Wood Sedge

  • Thick clumps of delicate arching foliage
  • Deep green narrow leaves
  • Produces unique star-like seed clusters
  • Named for the rosy colour on one small portion of the green seed heads
  • Bloom Time: May to June



20-30 cm

5-10 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

They will grow in dry, moist or wet woodlands including difficult, dry, shady sites in bright shade or full sun. Established plants are drought tolerant, pest resistant and unpalatable to deer and other herbivores.

Additional Notes about Rosy Sedge:

Native to Ontario

Cool Season Grasses: These grasses do the majority of their growing in early spring and start again when temperatures start to cool in the fall. During the warmer summer months, they stop growing and some will even go dormant. Cool season grasses flower in the spring or early summer. Most cool season grasses grow best in a consistently moist soil.