Bristly Sedge

Carex comosa

Also called Bottlebrush Sedge

  • Tuft-forming sedge with an upright cascading habit
  • Leaves are green, about 6 mm wide, triangular in cross section
  • Seed heads droop downward, in clumps of 2-6 spikelets, up to 8 cm long, May through July
  • Grass Type: Cool Season



100-125 cm

50-60 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Best grown in full sun and moist to wet conditions. Colonizes slowly by rhizomes. Tolerates some salt.

Additional Notes about Bristly Sedge:

Native to Ontario

Cool Season Grasses: These grasses do the majority of their growing in early spring and start again when temperatures start to cool in the fall. During the warmer summer months they stop growing and some will even go dormant. Cool season grasses flower in the spring or early summer. Most cool season grasses grow best in a consistently moist soil.