Sorghastrum nutans - Indian Grass

Indian Grass

Sorghastrum nutans

Also called Wood Grass

  • AKA Sorghastrum avenaceum, Chrysopogon nutans
  • Reddish-bronze downy flower spikes rising well above the foliage appear in July
  • The grass blades are green turning bronze to burnt orange in the fall
  • Bloom Time: July
  • Flower Height: 220 cm
  • Foliage Height: 120 cm
  • Grass Type: Warm Season



120-220 cm

45-60 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Grows best in full sun to partial shade in an average to dry soil. This grass can become floppy if the soil is too rich and moist. It can tolerate heat and drought but needs moisture during long hot spells. Should be cut down to about 12 cm above ground level in the spring.

Additional Notes about Indian Grass:

Native to Ontario

Warm Season Grasses: These grasses are much slower starting in the spring. They do not push new growth until temperatures warm in early to midsummer. They flower later in the summer or fall with most blooms remaining into the winter. Most warm season grasses tolerate heat, humidity and drought; some even thrive in these conditions.