Equisetum hyemale - Scouring Rush

Scouring Rush

Equisetum hyemale

Also called Horsetail Rush, Dutch Rush, Rough Horsetail

  • Rigid hollow bamboo-like stems
  • Dark green with black banding at joints
  • Produces small brown cone-like stem tips in the summer
  • Evergreen foliage



60-100 cm

100-200 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Equisetum is known to be very aggressive. They spread by creeping rhizomes, and planting them in containers with the lip slightly above ground is recommended. Plants can be used in ponds and marshes with a depth of 10-15 cm of standing water. Very adaptable to both wet and dry conditions.

Additional Notes about Scouring Rush:

Native to Ontario and most of North America.

This evergreen plant can absorb silica and early settlers used the stems to scour their pots and for polishing brass and hardwood.