Pin Cherry, Fire Cherry

Prunus pensylvanica

Also called Bird Cherry

  • Upright habit, forming colonies
  • Burnished-bronze exfoliating bark
  • Clusters of fragrant florets unfold with the leaves
  • Small long-lasting light red sour fruit attracts birds
  • Glossy narrow leaves turn burgundy to brown in the fall
  • A pioneer plant that springs up in a forest after a fell-cutting or a fire
  • Bloom Time: May



8-10 m

3-4 m

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

This native plant grows best in a fertile, moist, well-drained soil, however, in its natural state, it will grow in soils ranging from stony sand to light clay.

Additional Notes about Pin Cherry, Fire Cherry:

Native to Ontario and much of Canada.

One of the first trees to grow after a fire. It grows quickly, producing fruit after only 2-3 years, prompting a colony to spring up, providing shelter for other plants. Its life expectancy is 30 years.

The bark, flowers, leaves and stems are highly poisonous to human beings.