Osmunda regalis - Royal Fern - Chris Evans, River to River CWMA, Bugwood.org
Osmunda regalis - Royal Fern

Royal Fern

Osmunda regalis

Also called Flowering Fern

  • Unique widely spaced oblong leaflets with a distinct central vein
  • Pale green leaves in sunlight
  • Deeper green in shade with reddish stems
  • Some fronds are fertile and have brown flower-like leaflets at the tip
  • Upright and clumping form with wiry exposed black roots
  • A deeply-rooted fern, when established
  • Deciduous



90-150 cm

60-90 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Osmunda thrives in a moist soil, in partial to full shade, need constant moisture and do not like to dry out. In wet bogs or swamps, it is known to grow to extreme heights of 200 cm plus and can replicate a dense jungle. With adequate moisture, they will thrive in full sun. 

Additional Notes about Royal Fern:

Native to Ontario