Geum triflorum - Grandpa's Whiskers - Dave Powell, USDA Forest Service,

Grandpa's Whiskers

Geum triflorum

Also called Prairie Smoke, Indian Chocolate

  • Flowers emerge from nodding reddish-purple buds on red stems
  • Reddish-purple bell-shaped flowers hang in groups of three
  • Attractive silky seed heads are left after flowering
  • Fern-like, hairy, smoky-green foliage takes on a reddish hue in autumn
  • Bloom Time: Mid-spring to midsummer
  • Flower Height: 45 cm
  • Foliage Height: 30 cm



30-45 cm

30-35 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Thrives in an average to dry, well-drained soil, in full sun to partial shade. Tolerates periods of drought, once established. Better suited to cooler summer climates. Avoid wet soil conditions in the winter. Pruning spent flowers will extend bloom time, but negate the attractive seed heads. Will naturalize by seed. 

Additional Notes about Grandpa's Whiskers:

Native to Ontario

Native Americans boiled the roots to produce a tea that was used for healing wounds and sore throats. Roots have a distinct chocolate taste once boiled, hence the common name "Indian chocolate".