Aster alpinus var. vierhapperi - Alpine Aster

Alpine Aster

Aster alpinus var. vierhapperi

Also called Vierhapper's Aster

  • AKA Aster culminis
  • Low-growing ground cover with green foliage
  • Pale to dark purple flowers
  • Short-lived perennial sustaining itself through seeding
  • Fluffy seed heads appear after the flowers are finished
  • Suitable for rock gardens or front borders
  • Bloom Time: Late spring throughout the summer



20-25 cm

25-30 cm

Currently Unavailable

Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Grow in a moderately fertile, average to dry, well-drained soil, in full sun or light shade. Alpine asters may develop foliar diseases if placed in hot, humid sites with poor air circulation. They flourish in cooler summers.

Additional Notes about Alpine Aster:

Native to Ontario