American Beach Grass

Ammophila breviligulata

Also called Marram Grass, Short-liguled Beach Grass

  • Long narrow soft-textured golden-tan flower spikes
  • Gray-green leaf blades are narrow with extremely sharp tips
  • This is a great low-maintenance grass for erosion control
  • Bloom Time: July to August



60-90 cm

100-125 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Grows best in a sandy, well-drained, average to dry soil, in full sun. Plants spread by rhizomes and new shoots can appear a distance from the mother plant.  

Additional Notes about American Beach Grass:

Native to Ontario

Warm Season Grasses: These grasses are much slower starting in the spring. They do not push new growth until temperatures warm in early to midsummer.  They flower later in the summer or fall with most blooms remaining into the winter. Most warm season grasses tolerate heat, humidity and drought; some even thrive in these conditions.