Canadian Goldenrod

Solidago canadensis

  • Rhizomatous upright habit
  • Numerous small yellow blooms
  • Lance-shaped sharply-toothed green leaves
  • Bloom Time: August to September



150-200 cm

90-100 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Plant in a slightly acidic, moderately rich, well-drained soil, in full sun. It will rapidly colonize by creeping rhizomes or self-seeding. Removing seed heads will help prevent seed dispersal. 

Additional Notes about Canadian Goldenrod:

Native to Ontario

Goldenrod (Solidago) is unfairly blamed for being the source of pollen or allergens which affect those who suffer from hay fever. Pollen from goldenrod is too heavy to travel by air whereas ragweed pollen, which is released close in time to that of solidago, is easily carried and is the true source of this discomfort.