Larix laricina - American Larch - Fall Colour
Larix laricina - American Larch
Larix laricina - American Larch from NVK Nurseries

American Larch

Larix laricina

Also called Eastern Larch or Tamarack

  • Rapid-growing deciduous conifer that is pyramidal when young
  • Soft bluish-green needles turn golden-yellow in the fall
  • Used for windscreens or in solitary plantings


18-30 m

6-10 m

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

While larix have the appearance of evergreens, they shed their needles every fall. The brilliant show of golden-yellow needles makes it visually striking in the autumn months.

Additional Notes about American Larch:

Native to Ontario and other parts of North America.

The Eastern larch or tamarack is found from eastern Yukon and Inuvik, Northwest Territories east to Newfoundland, and also south into the northeastern United States from Minnesota to Maryland. The name tamarack is the Algonquin name for the species and means "wood used for snowshoes".