Corylus americana - American Hazelnut
Corylus americana - American Hazelnut - Fall Colour

American Hazelnut

Corylus americana

Also called American Filbert

  • Male flowers are brown decorative catkins before the leaves appear
  • Female flowers are small and red
  • Edible fruit emerges white, turning brown in the summer
  • Textured green leaves turn yellow, orange, and red in the fall
  • Upright, rounded habit
  • Bloom Time: Spring
  • Male catkin size: up to 8 cm



4-5 m

2-3 m

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

This plant requires a moist, well-drained soil. Removal of root suckers may be necessary to prevent thicket-like growth. Tolerant of adverse conditions, including soils with high pH.

Additional Notes about American Hazelnut:

Native to Ontario

Characteristics & Attributes