Quercus x alba x robur 'Crimschmidt' - Crimson Spire™ Oak - Photo courtesy of J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. - Fall Colour
Quercus x alba x robur 'Crimschmidt' - Crimson Spire™ Oak - Photo courtesy of J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.

Crimson Spire™ Oak

Quercus x alba x robur 'Crimson Spire™' (Crimschmidt)

  • Pyramidal upright dense crown with nearly vertical branches
  • Dark green leaves have deep rounded lobes
  • Insignificant flowers (catkins) are followed by oval acorns
  • Fall foliage is orange-red


13-15 m

5-6 m

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

A tall-growing narrow tree suitable for landscapes where space is limited, or where a vertical accent is desired. Planted in a row, they can also be used as a privacy screen or windbreak. This cultivar has a better fall colour than other similar cultivars.

Characteristics & Attributes


work well with Quercus x alba x robur 'Crimschmidt'