Big Time White Lavender

Lavandula angustifolia 'Big Time White'

Also called Lavender

  • Large spikes of white flowers on sturdy stems
  • Scented compact gray-green foliage
  • Uniform and compact shrub-like habit
  • Can be shaped for low border hedges
  • Bloom Time: June to August
  • Flower Height: 50 cm
  • Flower Size: 4-5 cm



30-50 cm

30-50 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Lavandula angustifolia grow best in an average to dry, well-drained soil, in full sun. Excess winter moisture may cause the stem to rot and hot, humid summers may cause the leaves to blacken and the plant to deteriorate. Prune flower stalks to encourage more blooms. In the spring, prune plants to the desired size or back to the old woody stems, to promote vigorous growth and keep a dense, compact habit. Please note: lavenders should never be pruned harder than half way down the stems. Because of its strong scent, plants can be added throughout the garden to deter insects. In mild climates, lavenders are evergreen.