Hibiscus x 'Tie Dye' - Rose Mallow - Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc.

Rose Mallow

Hibiscus x 'Tie Dye'

  • Pink tipped white petals with a cherry-red centre
  • Largelobed leaves are a deep wine colour
  • Blooms appear uniformly on all sides of the clump
  • Vigorous woody perennial
  • Bloom Time: July to early fall
  • Flower Size: 25 cm



125-150 cm

90-120 cm

Currently Unavailable

Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Grows best in a moist to average soil in full sun; not tolerant of lengthy, dry conditions. In the fall, prune branches back to about 30 cm, and once the eyes appear in the spring remove any dead stalks. Hibiscus are late to break dormancy in the spring: usually late May in southern Ontario. Tall, sturdy stems rarely need support once established in the landscape.