Cherry 'Carmine Jewel' - Carmine Jewel Cherry - Photo courtesy of Bylands Nurseries Ltd.

Carmine Jewel Cherry

Cherry 'Carmine Jewel'

  • Prunus cerasus x Prunus fruiticosa
  • High sugar content with a tart taste
  • Consistently productive
  • Very dark fruit, suitable for juicing and jams
  • High flesh-to-pit ratio with small pits
  • A dwarf sour cherry
  • Bloom Time: Spring
  • Ripens: Mid-July


5-6 m

5-6 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Some cherry trees require cross-pollination: another cultivar of cherry in the area, flowering at the same time, in order to produce fruit. Tart cherries and sweet cherries cannot pollinate (OMAFRA) each other. Except for Stella, even the cherries that are listed as self-pollinating benefit from another variety nearby to increase production and fruit size.

Characteristics & Attributes