Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa Intermedia' - Blue Moss Falsecypress

Blue Moss Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa Intermedia'

Also called Squarrosa Intermedia Moss Falsecypress

  • Loose pyramidal habit
  • Dense blue mass of whip-like foliage
  • Texture contrast between juvenile and mature foliage
  • Use for foundation plantings where there is adequate space


250-300 cm

150-175 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

This cultivar tolerates a variety of soil types and growing conditions and is frequently used in topiary designs such as animals, and finely detailed sculptures. In warmer locations, light shade from the intense, summer sun will prevent surface burning. Protection (burlap wrap) from drying winter winds is recommended for an exposed location.