Allium x 'Mount Everest' - Ornamental Onion

Ornamental Onion

Allium x 'Mount Everest'

  • Spherical umbels of white star-shaped florets
  • Upright ribbed stems
  • Aptly named for its statuesque form
  • Bloom Time: May to June
  • Flower Size: 10 cm



100-125 cm

20-30 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Allium grow best in a rich, fertile, well-drained soil. Leaves die back as flowers begin; don't cut back the foliage as it feeds the bulb for next year's flower. Once the flower is spent, remove the flower stalk and leave the foliage until it completely dies back. It then can be removed by gently pulling on the leaves. Do not over water and let the soil dry out between waterings.