Patriot Elm

Ulmus x 'Patriot'

  • Moderately vase-shaped oval to upright crown with strong branching
  • Pointed-oval textured glossy large dark green leaves
  • Foliage turns a golden colour in the fall
  • A hybrid developed by the US National Arboretum in 1980, released in 1993


18-20 m

14-16 m

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

A vigorous growing large shade tree with yellow fall colour. Excellent for large lawns and park settings.

Additional Notes about Patriot Elm:

Selected from over 600 hybrids, Ulmus 'Patriot' has a complicated parentage including at least 4 contributors. Initially selected for its tolerance of Dutch elm disease, it was later found to show high tolerance of elm leaf beetle. Pollution- and salt-tolerant too!

Fast-growing, it needs lots of room.

Characteristics & Attributes