Irish Yew

Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata'

  • Dark green needle-like foliage
  • Slower growing than the species
  • Columnar dense upright form
  • Will produce red berries
  • Low tolerance for salt or wet, poorly-drained conditions


200-225 cm

150-175 cm

Substitutions Are Available
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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Most often used as a hedge, it is naturally upright in form and can be easily sheared. They will add a formal look to the shade garden. 

All parts of the plant are poisonous to human beings, dogs, cats, and horses, except the flesh of the basically tasteless berry. The hard seed inside the berry is also poisonous. Unfortunately, the poison does not seem to affect deer.

If there's one genus at this nursery that doesn't like to be dropped from any height, it's a Taxus. Be nice.

Characteristics & Attributes


suitable substitutions for Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata'