Hakonechloa macra - Japanese Forest Grass

Japanese Forest Grass

Hakonechloa macra

Also called Hakone Grass

  • Dense mound of relatively short wide green blades emerging from stems in the centre of the mound
  • Graceful arching form softens formal shade gardens
  • Some of the leaves turn red and purple shades in the fall
  • Yellow-green seed heads persist through the winter
  • Bloom Time: July to August
  • Grass Type: Warm Season



40-50 cm

50-60 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Hakonechloa macra dislike full sun and are best grown in a cool, moist, well-drained soil. Prune in late winter or early spring to make room for new growth.

Additional Notes about Japanese Forest Grass:

Warm Season Grasses: These grasses are much slower starting in the spring. They do not push new growth until temperatures warm in early to midsummer. They flower later in the summer or fall with most blooms remaining into the winter. Most warm season grasses tolerate heat, humidity and drought; some even thrive in these conditions. Conversely, extra care should be taken when planting in early spring or late fall.



suitable substitutions for Hakonechloa macra