Armoracia rusticana - Horseradish - Photo courtesy of Bailey Nurseries Inc.



  • Amoracia rusticana
  • AKA Cochlearia armoracia
  • Perennial root vegetable
  • Clusters of white flowers are both male and female
  • Medium green lettuce-like leaves
  • Harvest in the fall
  • Bloom Time: May to June


30-40 cm

30-40 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

After a fall frost and the foliage has died back, horseradish can be dug up and divided. Larger parts are harvested and smaller parts are replanted to produce next year's crop. Midsummer flowers should be removed to save the plant's energy and prevent seeding.

Additional Notes about Horseradish:

If horseradish is left untouched, it can become invasive, spreading by underground rhizomes.

Characteristics & Attributes