Monarda didyma 'Pardon My Purple' - Bee Balm - Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc.

Bee Balm

Monarda didyma 'Pardon My Purple'

Also called Bergamot

  • Proven Winners® ColorChoice®
  • Whorls of small tubular flowers are backed by leafy bracts
  • Deep purple flowers appear on square stems just above foliage
  • Glossy dark green toothed lance to oval-shaped leaves, 10 cm long
  • Foliage has a minty scent when crushed
  • Short, clumping habit
  • Bloom Time: July to August
  • Flower Size: 5-8 cm



25-30 cm

20-25 cm

Currently Unavailable

Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Best grown in an average to moist soil, in full sun, however, it is tolerant of partially shady locations. Powdery mildew is a common fungal problem for monarda, although some cultivars are more resistant. All monarda should be planted in open areas that receive good air circulation and keep a consistently moist soil, to help prevent mildew problems. Mature clumps should be thinned out.